Sunday, January 23, 2011

Zao Poster

This was sort of inadvertently created in my Illustration and Products class. So we're working on band shirts, and we are supposed to make a "trend board" composed of images, and trends, and a color palette depicting the direction of where we want our shirts to go. I got sort of carried away, and I ended up making a poster tribute for the band ZAO. If you look at this, you can get a pretty good idea of what Zao sounds like, and what my shirt will look like. That's the vibe anyway.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Old "Hope 180" Tees

This is me modeling possibly my first "commissioned" design/illustration work. This was for my youth group when I was in high school, it's about turning your life around after surrendering your life to Christ. Get it? DID I DO A GOOD JOB?! yeah. fond memories! fun fact-I bought my first skateboard with the money I got from this design. It was like $30!