Friday, December 3, 2010

Lusty Worm

Since I finished my screen print final, I still get access to a screen and printing facilities for a week. So I took a sketch and made some extra prints.

Original Sketch

Silver ink test print.

Black ink test print.

The image was burned off of plain paper instead of transparency or xante, so it's kind of grainy (if that doesn't make sense, it just means I went cheaper and quicker). So the idea was to take a deadly sin and turn it into a monster (actually one of my ideas for senior project).
Thanks to Dylan Davis, who gave me the colorful paper. What a swell guy.

1 comment:

  1. yeah, what a swell guy (ha).

    the paper warping in this one

    adds sort of an interesting effect. this would be a cool drawing to turn into a multi-color screenprint.
