Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ezekiel 6:5

Here is the final print of Ezekiel 6:5 (the actual title). It came out really well, and I hope I can get a hold of a screen and keep with the medium.

Done for my Print Paper Book Techniques Class with Jody Williams.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Bully Story

This was the final for my Illustration Topics Class. The subject was rainforest, and the story goes that Teddy Roosevelt, while hunting in the Amazon witnessed the massacre of a cow by a school of piranha. This illustration had to be painted large enough to still print clearly on a 30x40" banner print, which was part of the assignment.
"They will rend and devour alive any wounded man or beast; for blood in the water excites them to madness." -Teddy Roosevelt, "Through the Brazillian Wilderness"

Done for my Illustration Topics Class with Tom Garrett.

Children's Book Final

The final for my Children's Book Class involved making a dummy (rough draft) book and illustrating three of the pages. My story involved a rabbit who can't sleep so he goes on an adventure with his turtle friend that brings him into space, until he falls asleep and is faced with the question, "Was it real?"

Done for my Children's Book Illustration Class with Nancy Carlson.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Lusty Worm

Since I finished my screen print final, I still get access to a screen and printing facilities for a week. So I took a sketch and made some extra prints.

Original Sketch

Silver ink test print.

Black ink test print.

The image was burned off of plain paper instead of transparency or xante, so it's kind of grainy (if that doesn't make sense, it just means I went cheaper and quicker). So the idea was to take a deadly sin and turn it into a monster (actually one of my ideas for senior project).
Thanks to Dylan Davis, who gave me the colorful paper. What a swell guy.